Its been over a month since i have been into exile from roomno368 ,but then there have been reasons behind it.
And now since i m back after a long time ..its time to share something really close to me ...
Some of the features of the list are inspired (not as the Indian films,genuinely inspired)
Some of them are truly mine
and the remaining are output of my imagination but then i mean to do those too..
- Get hold of a decent Car before my graduation (Dont ask y,m obsessed with this one)
- Grab a ipod + Camera and go shooting into the wild...
- Tour extensively around India with no constraints on expenses:P
- Work on an Ideasilver
- Make this blog as the hub for general junta = a 5 + page ranks
- Publish my personal novel
- For once..just once ...get a SPI of 9/10 (SPI=semester performance index)
- Owing a Macbook
- Work in a NGO -Explore the social part of me
- Create a political party
- Learn Marathi and French
- Finish of IMDB's top movies list
- Learning Linux
- Create a Business plan out of Chemistry
That's for the moment ..
The list would be updated every now and then .
I would love to know ur TO DO LIST do chip in with your lists.
And now since i m back @roomno368 i shall have something interesting coming up soon.
Keep waiting ...